Friday, October 28, 2011

Why the Washed-up Diva?

So my sister started her own blog,, and suggested that I start one as well.  She reminded me that there was a time in my life when I actually liked to write.  I think college beat it out of me for a few years, but now I need a therapeutic outlet so you don't see me on the 6 o'clock news.  ;)  So, even if the only followers turn out to be my sister and my mom, I'm ok with it.  (And thanks Rachel and mom, love you!) 

So why the Washed-up Diva?  You see, one of my best friends, Jana and I, were performing together this past spring and we came up with the idea as an act we could take on the road.  (Semi-jokingly of course.) At the time, she was about 2 or 3 months post-partum, having just had the adorable Ashlynn, and I was an ENORMOUS 7 months pregnant with my son, Thomas. (Now 5 months old, can you believe it!?)  It was an hour before the performance and we were back in our dressing room figuring out how to stuff me into a formal outfit that wasn't maternity and she was wearing a dress 5 times too big for her but didn't have time to get anything for herself.  As we were stuffing me into my outfit and pinning her into hers, we started laughing about how far we had "fallen" and that if people only knew....and so we started calling ourselves the washed-up divas.  Still going strong, voices better than ever, even if we do look a little less dapper then years prior...  And all our"accoutrements" are broken and old....for example the heel on my "best pair" of heels had broke off and I didn't notice until I was about to hobble out on stage at that very same performance.  After all, mothers rarely spend money on themselves, its always about the children and how cute something would be for them.  Not to mention its not exactly fun to shop for your post-baby body.....

 The performance went great btw, it was with one of my husband's groups, The Fort Bend Symphony,  we performed Rossini's Cat Duet and wore cat ears and tails.  The audience ate it up.  We also did Sull' aria from Marriage of Figaro by Mozart. (Minus the cat tail and ears.)

Here are the duets that started it all........

Cat Duet by Washed-up Diva

Sull Aria by Washed-up Diva

So I may be washed-up but I'm not washed-out and I must admit, I am perfectly happy with how my life has gone thus far.  I have two beautiful babies and a husband whom I still love even after nearly 10 years of marriage.  (I was 12 when we got married.)


  1. Hilarious Laura, you had me laughing at the bit you and Jana were stuffing each other into dresses! I look forward to your next post! :-)

  2. Yay! Beautiful voice! I wish that I could have seen the duet! It sounds like you both had stage presence. :-)
